Saturday, January 06, 2007

Latin America News Review: Ecuador's New Government Talks Default on Debt: Latin America's New Reality

Latin America News Review: Ecuador's New Government Talks Default on Debt: Latin America's New Reality


troutsky said...

This idea of bond "ratings" really is the ultimate lever of capitalism because the truth remains that investment is a necessary evil.All extortion and expoitation flow from this single fact.Even Cuba depended on Soviet investment and when that was pulled things got tough.Ecuador has resources others want so it may swing some sort of deal, fifty cents on the dollar or some such but investment is the threat that elected Calderon, Garcia, Uribe and Bachelet.

Ché Bob said...

This is true, but as you said "things got tough" in Cuba, but they didn't fail. Cubans proved that whole societies can make necessary sacrifices in order to resist empire. Their example continues to inspire Latin Americans. Many may not want Castro Communism, but they appreciate popular resistance to the imperial monster.